The mid-priced Yasei Zander Vertical Jig rods seamlessly blend a sensitive tip with a powerful butt section, giving the perfect action to maximise your vertical jigging performance. Available in both spinning and baitcasting reel options, both models are built on the same high quality, super-responsive blank.As soon as you pick up the Yasei Zander Vertical Jig rod you will immediately feel the superb blend of sensitivity and power as the rod sits comfortably in your hand. The slim blank is remarkably light and instantly becomes an extension of your arm, responding to your every movement. It’s this intuitive control that makes this rod so compelling. The 1.90m length is perfect for accurately placing you jig next to underwater features, whilst at the same time having the precise control to impart any action you want on your softbait. And when a zander touches the lure you’ll know immediately, as the sensitive tip magnifies the sensation through the rod and into your hand. With an optimum jig weight of 14-28g, to cover all but the heaviest jigging, the Yasei Zander Vertical Jig is available in both a traditional spinning reel and also a baitcasting reel configuration.At the heart of each Yasei rod is a High Modulus Full Carbon blank built using Hi-Power X technology and Nano Alloy. This not only reduces blank twist when playing fish, it gives the rod the speed and power to hit the most tentative of bites, which are common when zander are feeding reluctantly in cold weather.To further increase sensitivity and overall performance, the rod is fitted with the latest design Fuji Alconite K-type guides which is lightweight and suitable for the fine diameter braids used when jigging.In keeping with the high quality design, a Fuji reel seat is fitted onto the custom-design split grip EVA handle giving this model a modern, eye-catching appearance that matches its brilliant fishing performance.
Bilgi kartı
Ağirlik (g)
Makine Yataği
Fuji TVS
Toplam Uzunluk M
Kapali Uzunluk (cm)
Kilavuz Malzemesi Diğer
Stainless Steel
Parça Materyali & Yapisi
High Modulus Tam Karbon
Elcik Materyali
Atiş Ağirliği (g)
Belirli Referanslar
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