The Sephia BB is a mid to high end EGI rod designed for squid fishing by Shimano’s Japanese experts. Exceptionally lightweight, with a moderately fast forgiving action, the blank is made from Hi-Power X Carbon and has a sensitive tip. Combine with the Sephia BB reel for a stunning combination.Although squid fishing with EGI lures is a specialised technique, it is increasing in popularity throughout Europe. If you are already into this exciting method of fishing, you’ll certainly want a well put together rod and reel set-up, which is where the Sephia BB comes in. Developed in Japan, by Shimano’s experienced squid fishing experts, the Sephia BB is a great all round rod. At 2.51m in length, with a moderately fast action, it is long and powerful enough for you to cast EGI lures to distant feeding squid, whilst retaining a soft tip for maximum lure action and bite detection.Built using Shimano’s exclusive Hi-Power X carbon, the blank of the Sephia BB is remarkably light and weighs only 100g, yet has the power to cast larger EGI lures extreme distances. Despite the remarkable casting characteristics, in keeping with all high performance EGI rods, the Sephia BB has a moderately fast action combined with a sensitive tip and a forgiving middle section, giving the perfect combination of bite registration and playing performance. To enhance casting performance and rod action further, lightweight Fuji Alconite K-type guides have been selected for their anti-tangle characteristics. Fitted with a custom designed Shimano reel seat and a split EVA handle, the performance and red/black graphics match perfectly with the Sephia BB reel.
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