The Sephia XR is one of Shimano’s premium EGI rods. Designed for the most advanced squid anglers and built using Shimano’s leading carbon technologies for maximum performance, Sephia XR models offer the ultimate in excellence. Combine with the Sephia XR reel for a truly outstanding combination.The Sephia XR takes rod design and construction to new heights. If you are fanatical about your squid fishing, and are not prepared to compromise on tackle, this is the most advanced Shimano range available in Europe. Developed in Japan by Shimano’s experienced squid fishing experts, the Sephia XR is reassuringly expensive and an investment that you will always appreciate. A stunning rod range that will meet and exceed your expectations, delivering performance you have always wanted.Built using Shimano’s exclusive Spiral X Core, reinforced with Hi-Power X, the ultra light, highly responsive blank of the Sephia XR is as close to perfection as possible. The combination of two exclusive carbon technologies delivers a super straight, pure curve when casting and playing squid, with minimal twisting or torsional rotation, resulting in an enhanced fishing experience that is quite breathtaking when first experienced. There are 3 models available (medium light, medium and medium heavy), and between them they cover all of the most effective Egi sizes used throughout Europe, with the medium light version having a Softube Top for supreme sensitivity. As you would expect, the Sephia XR is fitted with the very best components including Shimano X and Fuji Titanium SiC guides and a custom designed Shimano Ci4+ reel seat on an EVA and Carbon Monocoque handle.
Bilgi kartı
Ağirlik (g)
Toplam Uzunluk M
Toplam Uzunluk Ft
Kapali Uzunluk (cm)
Makine Sabitleme Metodu
Elcik Tipi
Carbon Monocoque
Kalamar Zokasi Büyüklüğü Gou
Belirli Referanslar
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